甲方(发包单位):Party A ( Employer )
乙方(承包单位):Party B (Contractor )
WHEReAS party A have, with the Owner, concluded the general contract of engineering construction which is inclusive of cable trench project needed professional constructor to complete;
WHEReAS party B is the qualified constructor, be willing, in accordance with the quality requirement of bidding documents, to subcontract and complete the project;
This Contract: For the purpose of accomplishment of the contracted engineering, parties hereto, through negotiation and on the basis of complying with the general contract, in accordance with LAW OF ConTRACT and relevant regulations of laws and rules on construction engineering, agree to award this project to party B for completion.
IN FAITH WHEReOF, to specify parties hereof ‘s rights and liabilities, make and enter into this contract hereby for abidance by parties.
一、工程概况及承包内容 Project Overview and Contracting Works
1.1工程名称及概况:工程名称:电缆沟工程。 本工程涉及三个变电站,分别是现有的220/35kV A472变电站、现有的35/10kV B301S变电站以及新建的35/10kV C581变电站。工作内容为三个变电站之间和从三个变电站接至MV用户的电力电缆、控制电缆、接地电缆敷设所需电缆沟的开挖工程。
Name of Project and Overview: Name of Cable Trench;
The project involves three substations, namely the existing 220/35kV A472 substation, the existing 35/10kV B301S and a new 35/10kV C581 substation. Work contents are the excavation Works of trenches, between three substations and from the locations of three substations to MV user, which are necessary for laying out power cable, control cable, earth cable.
This is the power, control and grounding cable trench excavation project among three substations and for MV users connected to the three substations.
1.2 合同形式:本合同单价为综合单价,采取固定单价承包方式。固定单价承包单价为乙方在本合同约定工期内完工的结算依据,不作任何调整。
Contracting form: Unit price hereof is subject to the comprehensive unit price, contracted form is fixed unit price. Fixed price of contracted project is the settlement basis of party B’s completion within the work period stipulated hereof, without any adjustment.
1.3 工程范围内全部电缆沟工程,包括:电缆沟施工:沟底整平夯实、垫层(砂砾、碎石垫层夯实),钢筋(包括电缆沟盖板钢筋、墙帽钢筋、电缆沟检查井盖板钢筋、墙身预埋钢筋、吊装预埋钢筋、镀锌钢筋等所有部位)的防锈、除锈、制作、绑扎、钢筋的损耗等;施工支架的安装与拆除、模板(钢模)的安装与拆除、预埋件的制作与安装、外露钢板的防腐处理、角钢支架(包含电缆竖架及电缆横架)的制作与安装,砼的浇筑及养生(包括基础、墙帽、沟盖板等),电缆沟开挖等与此工程范围有关的一切施工项目。
Any and all Works within the scope of cable trench engineering include that trench execution, ditch bottom leveling compaction, cushion (gravel, gravel cushion compaction), steel (including cable channel cover plate reinforced, coping reinforced, cable trench manhole cover plate reinforced, wall body embedded reinforcement, hoisting and pre buried steel, galvanized steel and all other parts),anti rust, rust removal, making, binding, loss of reinforced steel; installation and removal of formwork support (steel mould), embedded parts of the fabrication and installation;anti-corrosion treatment, angle bracket (contain cable vertical frame and cable cross) production and installation, pouring and curing of concrete (including the foundation, coping, trench cover etc.), cable trench wall masonry, bottom and the inside and outside surface, cable trench cover, trench excavation and other works associated with this project.
1.4 合同单价含所有直接费用、间接费用、利润及税金。包括为实施和完成本合同工程所需的人工费、材料费、机械设备费、试验检测费以及合同明示或暗示的所有责任、义务。
Contract unit price is conclusive of all costs of direct or indirect expenses, interests and taxes in addition to the cost / payment, which are paid for completion and execution of the project herein, of labor, material, machinery / equipment, test / inspection and all responsibilities and liabilities being express or implied herein.
1.5 工程期限: 日开工,工期共计 天。
Time limited of Project: Work will commence from the date of , and the total period of work is days.
二、工程标准及技术要求:Project Standard and Technology Requirement
2.1 招标文件中的合同通用条款、合同专用条款、技术规范,建设单位、监理和甲方要求以及书面或口头指示、工程师通知等。
The general and particular provisions, technical norms of the bidding documents in addition to the requirement, direction in written or oral, engineer’s notice, which given by constructor, supervisor and party A.
2.2 建设单位下发的技术规范、评定标准、检验标准、招标文件、设计图纸等。
The technical norms, evaluation standard, inspection standard, bidding documents and design drawings.
2.3 甲方与建设单位签订的工程施工合同及附件(以下简称总合同,包括设计图纸、往来文件等),乙方均遵守。
Party B should comply with the construction contract and appendix hereof, which are concluded between party A and the Owner, hereinafter referred to as general contract including design drawings and documents received or dispatched between party A and the Owner.
三、工程数量确认及材料和设备供应 Quantity Confirmation and Material / Equipment Surpply
3.1 结算工程数量确认:Quantity Confirmation for Settlement
The work quantity for settlement will be measured subject to party B’s actual completion and the site acceptance of party A’s technician in charge and supervision engineer in addition to the quantity which is calculated on the design drawings of the Owner.
3.2 为完成本合同工程所需的所有机械设备均由乙方自备,当乙方需使用甲方设备时,根据甲方现场负责人签字确认的使用时间及司机的运转记录,结算时按附表价格予以扣除。
All machinery / equipment which are necessary for completion of the engineering hereof will be dispatched by party B itself, in case of necessity of using party A’s equipment by party B, the expense thereof will be deducted from settlement sum on the price schedule, in accordance with the use time and driver operation record, which are confirmed by the signature of party A’s person in charge on site.
3.3 甲方供应给乙方的钢筋施工损耗已计入本合同相关单价之中,对超用的钢筋材料的费用,甲方在当月的工程结算款中直接扣除,其单价为:甲方采购价×(1+10%)。电缆沟施工所用砼、片石、砂砾、预埋件(钢板)等(除钢筋外全部材料)均由乙方购买,购买费用由乙方承担。
The loss of reinforcing bar for construction supplied by party A have been calculated into the corresponding unit price herein, the expense of over-use of steel will be directly deducted from the same month ‘s settlement sum by party A, the unit price thereof is party A’s purchase price×(1+10%). All materials excepting enforced steel, used for the execution of cable trench, including concrete, stone, gravel, embedded parts ( steel plate) will be purchased by party B and the cost thereof will be on the account of party B.
3.4 施工所需的其余材料(如制作钢筋所需的匝丝、焊条等)由乙方自行采购,费用由乙方承担,但该材料质量必须符合施工技术规范要求,须经监理工程师和甲方认可后方可使用。
Other materials required for execution such as coil wire and welding rod needed for manufacture of reinforcing bar will be purchased by party B and the cost thereof on party B, provided that the quality of the material should meet the requirement of construction technical norms and subject to supervision engineer and party A’s confirmation before using into execution. All cost and expense of fuel, lubricating oil, electricity and repair, maintenance and other expenses will be on party B’s account, in case of necessity of fuel provision by party A, the cost will be calculated on the used amount multiply 110% of party A’s purchase price; the cost of machinery repair / maintenance will be charged on actual expenses.
四、甲、乙双方权利、义务 Rights and Responsibilities of Parties
4.1 甲方的权利、义务 Rights and Responsibilities of Party A
4.1.1 负责提供施工图纸(包括变更图纸)和技术资料,并进行有关的安全、技术交底。
Being responsible for the provision of execution drawing including the amended same thereof and issue the explanation and interpretation on the related safety and technology.
4.1.3 负责工程的施工放样及检查验收;负责现场技术质量管理,并负责协调施工。
Being responsible for the construction Setting out and inspection / acceptance of engineering in addition to the quality management of technical quality on site as well as for coordinating construction.
4.1.6 按约定支付工程款。Making the payment of project cost to party B.
4.2 乙方的权利、义务 Rights and Responsibilities of Party B
4.2.1 乙方投入到本工程的人员和设备等必须满足甲方和监理工程师、建设单位的要求。对甲方、监理、建设单位为保证质量、加快进度要求增加机械设备时,乙方接受并执行。
Personnel and equipment which are dispatched to this project by party B should satisfy the requirement of party A , supervisor and Owner. In case of necessity of increasing machinery and equipment for ensuring quality and acceleration of progress, at the request of party A, supervisor and Owner, party C should follow and implement the same.
4.2.2 乙方对工程质量负责,必须严格遵守国家及相关部门质量标准,工程质量必须满足《电缆工程质量检验评定标准》,接受建设单位、监理工程师和甲方派驻的负责人的全过程监理。甲方有权对乙方质量不合格的工程不予支付。
Party B should be responsible for project quality, be in strict accordance with the quality standards of State and relevant authorities, ensure the project quality meet STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE AND ASSESSMENT OF CABLE ENGINEERING QUALITY and accept the whole process supervision of Owner, supervisor and the responsible person authorized by party A which is entitle to refuse to effect the payment for the unacceptable works done by party B.
五、工程质量检查、验收 Inspection and Acceptance of Project Quality
5.1 乙方严格按照施工设计图纸和施工规范组织施工,服从甲方质检人员和监理工程师的现场指示和检查,并提供有关的质量检验表、施工原始记录等资料。
Party B should, strictly in accordance with design drawings and work specifications, organize the execution, accept the direction and inspection on site by party A’s quality inspector and supervisor and show the list of quality inspection, original records for execution and so on.
5.2 乙方每道施工工序完成后,填报质量报验单及施工原始记录,经甲方质检人员检查验收合格后,方可进行下道工序施工。
Party B should, on completion of each process of work, fill in Form of Inspection Application and original record of work and not conduct next process of work unless and until the inspection and acceptance thereof have been made by party A’s inspector.
六、工程验收与工程款的支付 Acceptance and Payment of Project
6.1 甲方现场负责人核实乙方的本期完成工程量,对乙方已完工程进行验收,为乙方验收合格的工程开据《工程数量签认单》。每月25日前,乙方应提交手续完备的《工程数量签认单》开具结算单进行阶段结算。甲方每月扣留乙方工程款的10%作为保留金,作为质量保证金。
The responsible person on site of party A will verify party B’s completed quantity of the current stage and make acceptance of completed project, issue the Confirmation of Work Quantity to party B’s qualified project. Party B should, on or before 25th each month, submit the Confirmation of Work Quantity of full formalities being companied by the Settlement Report for the milepost settlement. Party A will deduct 10% party B’s project cost each month as retention money for the deposit of quality warranty.
Party B will, within 28 days upon the completion of project and satisfy the acceptance standard by confirmation of engineer, with full data / documents, submit its materials for final settlement.
6.3 工程款支付方式 Payment
6.3.1 本合同履行完毕后,双方及时办理结算,最终结算单在经过甲方各部门及项目领导审批会签后,项目经理审批签字并加盖项目经理部公章后方能生效。
Parties hereto will, upon the performance of this contract, effect the settlement in time, however, the effectiveness of final settlement should be subject to the review and countersignature of party A’s concerned departments, project ‘ leader in charge, review / signature of project manager with official seal of project department.
6.3.2 甲方每期工程款支付按照当期结算款的80%,乙方工程完工后,在扣除按照合同条款应该扣除或者暂扣项目后的余额进行无息支付。
80% of settlement payment of the current stage by party A, in each and every stage payment , will be effected to party B and the balance amount, after deduction of the amount due to be deducted or withhold sum, will be paid without interest.
七、违约责任 Breach Liabilities
7.1 合同签订后,如乙方在规定期限内没有按合同要求组织机械设备和人员进场,甲方和乙方签订的合同将自动解除。甲方有权安排其他队伍施工,乙方承担伍万元的违约责任,并承担因此给甲方造成的损失。
Provided that party B fail to, within the time limited after signature of this contract, in accordance with the requirements hereof, dispatch machinery / equipment and personnel enter into the site, this contract will be determined and discharged automatically. Party A in entitle to employ other constructor for execution of this project, for which party B should bear the breach with liquidated damages of fifty thousands US Dollar and compensate party A’s loss arising therefrom.
7.2 如果乙方的工程质量、工程进度达不到甲方要求、限期内不能改进时,甲方有权收回或分割乙方所承担工程,直至终止合同,乙方应承担由此给甲方造成的损失,并承担相应的违约责任,违约金按照给甲方造成损失的30%收取,并在结算中一次性扣除。
Provided that if party B’s quality and progress of project fail to satisfy party A’s requirement and no improvement within the limited time, party A is entitle to take away or cut apart of the project which under party B’s construction until terminate this contract, for which party B should bear the liability of compensating to party A’s loss. The liquidation damages will be effected on the basis of 30 % of party A’s loss amount, which will be deducted in lump sum from final settlement
八、工程量和设计的变更 Alterations of Quantity and Design
8.1 因设计变更而增加或减少的工程内容,如果在已标价工程量清单中有适用于增加的工程内容的单价,则采用该单价;如果无适用于增加工程内容的单价,则由乙方提出建议价格经甲方书面确认后执行。
In the respect of the added or deducted works due to design alteration, where the unit price in the Priced Bill of Quantity is suitable to the added or deducted works, such unit price may be applied; where no suitable unit price to be applied, the recommended price suggested by party B will be executed after party A ‘s written confirmation thereof.
8. 2 乙方在施工中提出的合理化建议及对设计图纸或施工组织设计的更改或换用,应经甲方及监理、建设单位的批准方可实施。
Any reasonable suggestion or alteration of design drawings, construction organization design, which submitted by party B during construction, can not be implemented unless and until have been with the approval of party A, supervisor and Owner.
九、争议解决方式 Settlement of Dispute
All disputes arising out of or related to this contract during performance of contract should be resolved through consultation of parties hereto, if fail to settlement by negotiation, should be submitted to Arbitration Committee for arbitration in accordance with its rules and arbitration award is final and binding upon parities hereto.
十、不可抗力 Force Majuere
In case of occurrence of force majuere on party B’s construction site, party B should forthwith give notice thereof to party A and to the extent which is practicable to take measures for trying to decrease loss. Provided that force majuere occur after delay of performance by one party to this contract, no corresponding liability of the delaying party may be discharged or excused.
十一、其他约定事项 Miscellaneous
11.1 本合同未尽事宜,依照有关法律、行政法规执行,双方也可以达成书面补充协议。本合同的附件和补充合同均为本合同不可分割的组成部分,与本合同具有同等的法律效力。
Any outstanding issues hereof will be conducted in accordance with the relative laws and administration regulations and / or supplementary agreement in writing may be concluded by parties hereto. The appendix and supplementary contract herewith are integral parts of this contract, which have equal valid and authentic.
11.2 本合同一式四份,甲方三份,乙方一份。本合同自双方签字或盖章且乙方在合同中承诺的机械设备和人员在规定期限内进场后生效;工程竣工验收合格、价款结清后自行终止。
This contract will be made in four copies, party A will hold three copies and party B will hold one copy. This contract will come into force on and after parties’ signatures and sealing hereon and the machinery / equipment which are undertaken by party B in contract and personnel enter into the site.
11.3. 附件:电缆沟工程施工技术要求
甲方(盖章):Party A ( Sealing ) 乙方(盖章):Party B ( Sealing )
法定代表人 Legal Representative 法定代表人Legal Representative
本合同附件: Appendix herewith: