发布时间:2024-11-19 17:46:47 浏览次数:1
2022年 圣诞节将至,大家对于西方的圣诞节习俗了解多少呢,对他的 故事又知道多少呢?今天小编在这给大家带来圣诞节由来英文版及圣诞树装饰物意义,我们一起来看看吧!,,Every year on dec. 25, the birth of Jesus Christ was memorial day of the Muslim, called the Christmas.,每年的12月25日,是徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。,From December 24th to next January 6 is Christmas feast. During the festival, christians were held the ceremony. Christmas is originally Christian festivals, because people attention, it became a national holiday, the biggest festival in a year, and the New Year in western .It is like the Spring Festival of China. Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas CARDS on Christmas day celebrate Christmas.,从12月24日于翌年1月6日为圣诞节节期。节日期间,各国徒都举行隆重的纪念仪式。圣诞节本来是徒的节日,由于人们格外重视,它便成为一个全民性的节日,国家一年中最盛大的节日,可以和新年相提并论,类似我们的 春节。交换礼物,寄圣诞卡,这都使圣诞节成为一个普天同庆的日子。,圣诞节英语,圣诞节用英文怎么说,Christmas Eve is also commonly says Christmas Eve ,and the family reunion in the sitting room, will be around the tree to sing Christmas carols and exchange gifts, and share the joys and sorrows of a life, express the wish and love. In that night will see a group of lovely boys or girls, playing a guitar,singing a poem and a good tidings.,圣诞节前夕也就是俗说的 平安夜,当晚,全家人会团聚在客厅中,围绕在圣诞树旁唱圣诞歌曲,互相交换礼物,彼此分享一年来生活中的喜怒哀乐,表达内心的祝福及爱。在这天晚上都会看到一群可爱的小男生或小女生,弹着吉他,一家一家的唱着诗歌报佳音。,The red and white sceneries is Santa Claus, He is the most popular pepole. Western children on Christmas Eve will put a sock near the fireplace or a pillow before going to sleep, They thought Santa Claus will fill it with gifts in the sleep.,红色与白色相映成趣的是圣诞老人,他是圣诞节活动中最受欢迎的人物。西方 儿童在圣诞夜临睡之前,要在壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只袜子,等候圣诞老人在他们入睡后把礼物放在袜子内。,It si said that Santa Claus would drive reindeer sleigh full guild to send gifts for the children on Christmas Eve, he would enter into the house quietly by the chimney, put present in stocking.which hangs on the head of a bed .So the children always strips of colour profusion stockings at the head of a bed, and put a cup of hot milk beside the socks to the household of Santa Claus to thirst, and hope that Santa Claus would send a gift for himself. The next day , every child can't wait to open the ritual, want to know what his reward.,据说平安夜的晚上,圣诞节老公公会驾着驯鹿雪橇满载着礼物准备送点这一年来表现很好的小朋友,他会悄悄地从烟囱爬进屋内,礼物塞在挂在床头的袜子里。所以孩子总会把一条条色彩缤纷的袜子挂在床头,并在袜子旁边放杯热牛奶给劳苦功高的圣诞老人解渴,并送份大礼给自己。隔天每个小朋友都迫不及待地打开礼,想知道自己得到什么奖励。,欧洲冬青那带刺的叶片,象征着耶稣受难时头顶所带的“荆棘冠”,而树上红色的果实,代表了耶稣所流出的鲜血。因此,欧洲冬青也有“基督的冠冕”(Christ’s thorn)之称。,圣诞树顶端的那颗星叫做“伯利恒之星”,是圣诞树装饰 中最具特征的一个标志,象征着耶稣诞生时空中出现的超新星,它启示着耶稣降生的位置,象征着耶稣的救赎,基督的荣光,人类永远的盼望。在圣诞树下放礼物 ,源自 传说中三博士向婴儿耶稣献礼,象征着人们应该向基督献上生命中最珍贵的东西。,圣诞树上常见的铃铛,原型是牧羊人手中的铃铛,牧羊人摇动它能让迷失的羊儿寻着声音回到牧人身边,寓意迷失的人们寻声找到上帝这位好牧人,铃声既有通知诞生(救世主到来)的喜悦福音之意,同时也有驱赶邪魔的意思。,圣诞树上的银/白色彩带表示耶稣基督的圣洁,金色彩带表示荣耀。圣诞彩球的原型是苹果,象征着人间天堂伊甸园富足的供应。作为伊甸园的智慧果实,苹果不仅象征着带来产生丰硕成果或幸福等的喜悦的果实,作为在伊甸园中带来永生的生命之树,有时也象征着永远。,手杖原型是旷野中牧羊人的手杖,牧羊人用它来将跌入陷阱的羊羔重新拉上来,而倒转的拐杖与耶稣Jesus的首字母J相似,因此也寓意耶稣。蜡烛是平安夜星光的象征,代表了世人对伯利恒之星的感谢。,蝴蝶结象征着人类应该被神永恒的爱紧紧联系在一起。而圆形的圣诞花环,形状没有开始也没有结束,象征着神对世人的爱无始无终。,Mistletoe,Justin Bieber,“B宝”全盛时期的圣诞歌曲《Mistletoe》唱的.正是西方圣诞节用来编制花环的标志性植物“槲寄生”。北欧神话中,和平之神Balder被邪恶之神Loki以槲寄生所制成的箭射死,Balder的母亲——爱神Freya得知后痛不欲生,和众神想尽办法挽救Balder的生命,终于将他救活。Freya非常感激,因此承诺无论谁站在槲寄生下,便赐给那个人一个亲吻……” 因此现在仍有传说,说是在槲寄生下亲吻的情侣,便会厮守到永远。, 关于圣诞节的由来, 圣诞节的由来及真正意义是什么, 关于圣诞节的由来及习俗, 2019圣诞节的由来及相关英文介绍, 2021圣诞树的寓意和象征, 2019圣诞节的由来和含义, 圣诞节的寓意及重要性, 圣诞节的由来, 圣诞节真正的意义是什么, 2020圣诞树上挂件的寓意