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发布时间:2024-10-07 02:27:35        浏览次数:2        返回列表

今天小编跟大家讲解下有关设计理论:以人为本的绿色设计 ,相信小伙伴们对这个话题应该有所关注吧,小编也收集到了有关设计理论:以人为本的绿色设计 的相关资料,希望小伙伴们看了有所帮助。

对设计“以人为本”和“绿色设计”两个观点的反思——兼与设计界同仁商榷Reflection of Two Views: “People-oriented design" & "green design” —— Discussion with Scholars in Design Field顾群业 王拓内容摘要:本文通过对设计界流行并存在争议的两个问题 即设计是否以人为本、绿色设计的指向两个问题进行了思考。笔者认为 设计“以人为本”是一个有关人与自然的悖论 “以自然为本”的设计理念在逻辑体系上能够更好、更全面地表达设计必须充分适应人的生物学特征即人类的自然属性;而绿色设计的实现 不应该停留在如何改造自然的思维层面上 而应改造“人”的思想观念 即摒弃“人类中心主义”的思维观念 借助于东方哲学的智慧 追求人与自然之间的和谐。关键词:以人为本 设计伦理 绿色设计Abstract: Academics should be on the following two points for reflection, and that is: the people-centered design, green design. The author of this article Thinking and draw a conclusion: “people-oriented design” is a human and nature of the paradox. The article's authors recognized that: "nature-based" logic of the design concept in the system to be able to better and more complete expression of the design must fully meet the biological characteristics. That is the natural human attributes. The author also believes that: the realization of green design should not remain on how to transform nature of the thinking level. Human beings should be rethinking their relationship with nature, and should abandon the "human center" concept. The author said: In contemporary, human should be through the use of human wisdom of the ancient Oriental philosophy, to achieve harmony with nature.Keywords: People-oriented ethics of design green design 上一页12 3 4 下一页 阅读全文
