今天小编跟大家讲解下有关21个神奇的CSS技巧 ,相信小伙伴们对这个话题应该有所关注吧,小编也收集到了有关21个神奇的CSS技巧 的相关资料,希望小伙伴们看了有所帮助。
这里罗列的是21个神奇的CSS技巧,您也可能是从来没有想过居然还可以通过CSS这样子来处理问题的。1. 跨浏览器的CSS幻灯片Amazing demonstration of how to create a cross browser image gallery using just CSS.
2. 基于CSS的图像地图This tutorial demonstrates a crazy way to create an image map using just CSS.
3. 纯CSS的LightBox灯箱效果Create a lighbox using just CSS with no Javascript required.
4. CSS图片替换技术制作的按钮Replace the submit buttons with images using CSS, degrades back to submit button if CSS is disabled.
5. 使用CSS实现的动画导航菜单Amazing tutorial on how to create an animated navigation menu using just CSS.
6. 纯CSS实现的树型导航菜单Create a tree like navigation from nested lists of links. Very useful for creating sitemaps.
7. CSS渐变文字效果Create eye-catching titles with nice gradient effect using just CSS.
8. CSS菜单列表设计Very easy to understand tutorial on how to create a menu list using either CSS border-style or background-image property.
9. 使用CSS负边距创建自适应的布局Amazing way to create a liquid layout using negative margins
10. CSS绝对底部教程This might occur to you some time when a content page has not enough content to fill the page, so footer also moves up due to this. This tutorial shows you how to deal with this and make footer stay at bottom even when content is not enough.
11. 简单、灵活的CSS面包屑导航Create a nice scalable breadcrumb navigation
12. 漂亮的引用设计Make the blockquotes in your content or blog posts standout from rest of content. Very useful to highlight major points in long content pages.
13. CSS实现的柱状图表Display graphs on your website using just CSS without any Javascript or other heavy plugins.
14. 如何使用链接列表创建一个块状悬停效果15. CSS多列列表This article shows all possible ways you can use to stack up an unordered list into multiple columns.
16. 使用CSS图片合并技术制作的日期显示If you have ever visited Learning jQuery then you might have noticed the awesome date display next to each blog post. This tutorial will show you how to achieve that using CSS Sprites.
17. 使用CSS美化你的日期和留言背景Display date and comments on your blog posts in a nice way that takes less space.
18. 如果CSS实现的图片浏览器Create a nice image viewer using CSS that will work even if user has disabled flash and Javascript in the browser.
19. 创建一个CSS图像预加载Use the CSS background-image property to preload images without any javascript required.
20. 渐变淡出的页面底部效果This tutorial shows you how to make page content fade away into the bottom of the page just like the fortuito.us blog.
21. 很酷很创新的CSS边框使用技巧这篇文章介绍的是如何使用CSS的border属性来实现某些很酷的效果。您会惊讶于CSS的border属性达到的效果。