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发布时间:2025-02-25 00:29:14        浏览次数:10        返回列表

今天小编跟大家讲解下有关基于CSS的网站导航菜单 ,相信小伙伴们对这个话题应该有所关注吧,小编也收集到了有关基于CSS的网站导航菜单 的相关资料,希望小伙伴们看了有所帮助。

基于CSS的网站导航菜单. LoodoA colorful menu that adds to the feel of the website.Acko.netSteven Wittens takes a look at the navigation menu from a quite unusual perspective.Web Design LedgerWeb Design Ledger has an excellent menu; its large size is convenient but doesn’t intrude on the content.UX BoothUX Booth uses a a stylish text box under the navigation as a sort of subtext for each menu item.NopokographicsVertical navigation menus are used very rarely, for the simple reason: they are harder to use. However, some designers risk unusual approaches. Nopoko Graphics uses an arrow and a hover-effect for its vertical navigation menu.Icon DesignerThis website uses a large image-based menu on the home page. The user’s attention is drawn directly to this large menu, making it convenient for users.CosmicsodaThis large and colorful menu is very noticeable and uses a slight hover effect to further define the menu items.DesignsensoryAn intuitive drop-down navigation that uses 2 colors effectively to communicate the active navigation item and the passive ones.SmallstoneSmallstone, a U.S. record label, presents its navigation menu in the form of a the so-called Space Echo Roland SE-201.TNVacationIt’s pretty hard to find a nice-looking drop-down menu. This one is a beautiful exception.ClearleftClearleft uses a couple of paper pieces for its navigation. 上一页12 3 下一页 阅读全文
