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科技常识:使用HTML5 IndexDB存储图像和文件的示例
发布时间:2025-02-23 14:23:17        浏览次数:12        返回列表

今天小编跟大家讲解下有关使用HTML5 IndexDB存储图像和文件的示例 ,相信小伙伴们对这个话题应该有所关注吧,小编也收集到了有关使用HTML5 IndexDB存储图像和文件的示例 的相关资料,希望小伙伴们看了有所帮助。

有一天,我们写了关于如何在localStorage中保存图像和文件的文章,它是关于我们今天可用的实用主义。 然而,localStorage有一些性能影响 - 我们将在稍后的博客中讨论这个问题 - 并且未来期望的方法是使用IndexedDB。 在这里,我将向您介绍如何在IndexedDB中存储图像和文件,然后通过ObjectURL呈现它们。

本文是翻译过来的,原文在这里 Storing images and files in IndexedDB

关于作者: Robert Nyman [Editor emeritus]

Technical Evangelist & Editor of Mozilla Hacks. Gives talks & blogs about HTML5, Javascript & the Open Web. Robert is a strong believer in HTML5 and the Open Web and has been working since 1999 with Front End development for the web - in Sweden and in New York City. He regularly also blogs atrobertnyman.com and loves to travel and meet people.





// IndexedDBwindow.indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.OIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB, IDBTransaction = window.IDBTransaction || window.webkitIDBTransaction || window.OIDBTransaction || window.msIDBTransaction, dbVersion = 1;// Create/open databasevar request = indexedDB.open("elephantFiles", dbVersion);request.onsuccess = function (event) { console.log("Success creating/accessing IndexedDB database"); db = request.result; db.onerror = function (event) { console.log("Error creating/accessing IndexedDB database"); }; // Interim solution for Google Chrome to create an objectStore. Will be deprecated if (db.setVersion) { if (db.version != dbVersion) { var setVersion = db.setVersion(dbVersion); setVersion.onsuccess = function () { createObjectStore(db); getImageFile(); }; } else { getImageFile(); } } else { getImageFile(); }}// For future use. Currently only in latest Firefox versionsrequest.onupgradeneeded = function (event) { createObjectStore(event.target.result);};

使用它的预期方法是在创建数据库时触发onupgradeneeded事件或获取更高版本号。 目前仅在Firefox中支持此功能,但很快将在其他Web浏览器中支持。 如果Web浏览器不支持此事件,则可以使用已弃用的setVersion方法并连接到其onsuccess事件。


// Create an objectStoreconsole.log("Creating objectStore")database.createObjectStore("elephants");

在这里,您创建一个ObjectStore,您将存储数据 - 或者在我们的例子中,文件 - 并且一旦创建,您不需要重新创建它,只需更新其内容即可。


// Create XHRvar xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), blob;xhr.open("GET", "elephant.png", true);// Set the responseType to blobxhr.responseType = "blob";xhr.addEventListener("load", function () { if (xhr.status === 200) { console.log("Image retrieved"); // File as response blob = xhr.response; // Put the received blob into IndexedDB putElephantInDb(blob); }}, false);// Send XHRxhr.send();

此代码直接将文件的内容作为blob获取。目前只支持Firefox。 收到整个文件后,将blob发送到函数以将其存储在数据库中。


// Open a transaction to the databasevar transaction = db.transaction(["elephants"], IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE);



// Put the blob into the dabasetransaction.objectStore("elephants").put(blob, "image");



// Retrieve the file that was just storedtransaction.objectStore("elephants").get("image").onsuccess = function (event) { var imgFile = event.target.result; console.log("Got elephant!" + imgFile); // Get window.URL object var URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; // Create and revoke ObjectURL var imgURL = URL.createObjectURL(imgFile); // Set img src to ObjectURL var imgElephant = document.getElementById("elephant"); imgElephant.setAttribute("src", imgURL); // Revoking ObjectURL URL.revokeObjectURL(imgURL);};

使用相同的事务来获取刚刚存储的图像文件,然后创建一个objectURL并将其设置为页面中图像的src。 例如,这也可以是一个附加到脚本元素的Javascript文件,然后它将解析Javascript。


(function () { // IndexedDB var indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.OIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB, IDBTransaction = window.IDBTransaction || window.webkitIDBTransaction || window.OIDBTransaction || window.msIDBTransaction, dbVersion = 1.0; // Create/open database var request = indexedDB.open("elephantFiles", dbVersion), db, createObjectStore = function (database) { // Create an objectStore console.log("Creating objectStore") database.createObjectStore("elephants"); }, getImageFile = function () { // Create XHR var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), blob; xhr.open("GET", "elephant.png", true); // Set the responseType to blob xhr.responseType = "blob"; xhr.addEventListener("load", function () { if (xhr.status === 200) { console.log("Image retrieved"); // Blob as response blob = xhr.response; console.log("Blob:" + blob); // Put the received blob into IndexedDB putElephantInDb(blob); } }, false); // Send XHR xhr.send(); }, putElephantInDb = function (blob) { console.log("Putting elephants in IndexedDB"); // Open a transaction to the database var transaction = db.transaction(["elephants"], IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE); // Put the blob into the dabase var put = transaction.objectStore("elephants").put(blob, "image"); // Retrieve the file that was just stored transaction.objectStore("elephants").get("image").onsuccess = function (event) { var imgFile = event.target.result; console.log("Got elephant!" + imgFile); // Get window.URL object var URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; // Create and revoke ObjectURL var imgURL = URL.createObjectURL(imgFile); // Set img src to ObjectURL var imgElephant = document.getElementById("elephant"); imgElephant.setAttribute("src", imgURL); // Revoking ObjectURL URL.revokeObjectURL(imgURL); }; }; request.onerror = function (event) { console.log("Error creating/accessing IndexedDB database"); }; request.onsuccess = function (event) { console.log("Success creating/accessing IndexedDB database"); db = request.result; db.onerror = function (event) { console.log("Error creating/accessing IndexedDB database"); }; // Interim solution for Google Chrome to create an objectStore. Will be deprecated if (db.setVersion) { if (db.version != dbVersion) { var setVersion = db.setVersion(dbVersion); setVersion.onsuccess = function () { createObjectStore(db); getImageFile(); }; } else { getImageFile(); } } else { getImageFile(); } } // For future use. Currently only in latest Firefox versions request.onupgradeneeded = function (event) { createObjectStore(event.target.result); };})();





